From a Wishbone formation Yellow goes on a whip, Orange motions and then goes on a spot, and Purple motions and then goes on a fly. Red rolls out then throws to Orange on the spot. The secondary receiver is Purple on the fly and the safety valve is Yellow on the sideline route. Wishbone […]
Wishbone Motion 21 Drive

From a Wishbone formation Orange and Purple motion to move the defense toward the sideline. Red takes the snap and then hands the ball off to Green on an inside run. Wishbone Motion 21 Drive is an offensive 7 on 7 flag football play from Wishbone which is a wishbone formation with the quarterback under […]
Wishbone O94 Purple Curl

Starting with a Wishbone formation Yellow and Orange run fades from the line and Purple motions from the backfield and does a curl. Red drops then passes to Purple. The secondary receiver is Orange or Yellow on their fade routes. Wishbone O94 Purple Curl is an offensive 7 on 7 flag football play from Wishbone […]