The halfback runs a skinny post up the middle while the split receivers run crossing routes underneath. Halfback Post is an offensive 7 on 7 flag football play from the Base Shotgun Spread formation and is authored by Football Coach. To see our 7 on 7 Flag Football Plays, or to design your own flag football […]
Motion Halfback Dive

Power running play with the wide receiver coming in motion to create an unbalanced line. The quarterback then hands off to the halfback for a quick dive. Motion Halfback Dive is an offensive 7 on 7 flag football play from the Base I Formation formation and is authored by NFL Package. To see our 7 on […]
Waggle Flood

The halfback motions to the slot from the backfield and the quarterback runs a bootleg with receivers running combo routes to the same side of the field. Waggle Flood is an offensive 7 on 7 flag football play from the Base Shotgun Spread formation and is authored by Football Coach. If you get a chance […]
Halfback Option Throwback

Halfback motions to the strong side of the formation and gets a pitch from the quarterback. Center and strong side guard pull to block for the run and the weak side guard and the quarterback run routes. Halfback runs or throws back to the opposite side of the field to the guard or quarterback. Halfback […]
Twins Cross Rollout Strong

Twin wide receivers run short and medium crossing patterns. Strong side halfback goes in motion and runs a fade to confuse coverage on the wide receivers. Quarterback rolls out strong watching the halfback then throws back to the middle of the field to one of the crossing routes. Twins Cross Rollout Strong is an offensive […]
Double Combos

Strong side linemen and receivers run out and post combo routes. Primary receiver is the outside wide receiver running the post. Double Combos is an offensive 7 on 7 flag football play from the Shotgun Twins Strong formation and is authored by Fantasy Football. If you get a chance check out our 7 on 7 flag […]
Play Action Center Flat Pass

Twin wide receivers run medium length routes to clear out the flats for the center. Quarterback fakes the inside handoff to the halfback then looks to the center as the first read. Fire out like you’re blocking then cut sharply to the strong flats. Fake the inside handoff to the halfback then throw to the […]