The halfback motions to set up an option run with the quarterback while the weak side receiver motions to the strong side to block. Power Option Strong is an offensive 7 on 7 flag football play from Base Shotgun Spread which is a shotgun spread formation with three linemen, two wide receivers, and one running […]
Shotgun Slot Release

The wide receivers and strong side linemen in this slot formation clear out the center of the field with long sideline routes. The slot receiver comes in motion to block then releases to the middle of the field for a quick pass. Shotgun Slot Release is an offensive 7 on 7 flag football play from […]
Direct Snap Option Fake Throwback

The halfback motions to set up an option run with the quarterback. The weak side receiver also motions and receives the direct snap from the center. The quarterback and running back fake the option and the receiver in motion takes the snap, steps back, and throws to the weak side guard running a fade. Direct […]
Shotgun Slot Reverse Throwback

The weak side receiver comes in motion to the center of the formation while the slot receiver comes in motion to the backfield and gets a handoff from the quarterback. The slot receiver rolls out to the weak side and looks for the center and the strong side guard running sideline routes or for the […]
Direct Snap Option Fake

The halfback motions to set up an option run with the quarterback. The weak side receiver also motions and receives the direct snap from the center. The quarterback and running back fake the option and the receiver in motion runs off tackle. Direct Snap Option Fake is an offensive 7 on 7 flag football play […]
Slot Motion Stack Split

The slot receiver and the weak side receiver motion to a stacked alignment at the weak slot position. They then run a combo route designed to run their defenders into each other. Slot Motion Stack Split is an offensive 7 on 7 flag football play from the Shotgun Slot formation and is authored by NFL […]
Slot Center Corner

The slot receiver comes in motion to block the center’s defender as the center runs a corner route. The split out wide receivers run crossing routes underneath. Slot Center Corner is an offensive 7 on 7 flag football play from the Shotgun Slot formation and is authored by NFL Package. To see our 7 on 7 […]
Halfback Option Throwback

Halfback motions to the strong side of the formation and gets a pitch from the quarterback. Center and strong side guard pull to block for the run and the weak side guard and the quarterback run routes. Halfback runs or throws back to the opposite side of the field to the guard or quarterback. Halfback […]