JJ’s 1-5-1 is a defensive 7 on 7 flag football play authored by James6. To see our 7 on 7 Flag Football Plays, or to design your own flag football plays try a FREE TRIAL of our Flag Football Play Designer. If you get a chance check out our 7 on 7 flag Football Plays Blog.
Normal Man, Strong Right, Blitz

LCB Man coverage. RDL Rush Outside of lineman. LDL Rush the Center and draw Left side O-lineman. S Motion to strong side, then move in to pick up a lineman release. If no release then drop into deeper zone. RCB Man coverage. Communicate with RLB for receiver route crosses. LLB Fake blitz inside, go outside. […]
Normal Man. Strong right

LCB Man Coverage. RDL Normal QB rush. LDL Normal QB rush. S Assisting Man coverage of all CB’s and LB’s that have receivers routes to the inside. RCB Man coverage. communicate with RLB on switches if Strong side receivers cross. LLB Zone middle for Offensive line releases. RLB Man coverage. communicate with RCB on switches […]
QB Live, HB left, blitz outside

S Motion up toward middle of field and spy the HB. Play Man coverage. RDL Fake rush by taking one step toward O-line. Then drop into a middle zone coverage. RCB Jam receiver. Man coverage. LDL Line up in front of center. Rush left. RLB Blitz outside. LLB Blitz outside. LCB Jam receiver. Man coverage. […]
Prevent Blitz Strong Right.

RCB Jam receiver. RLB If Play is Strong right, then LB will shade to Strong side, and tighten up zone. LCB Jam receiver. RDL After Linebacker fakes middle blitz, Lineman will move over to center and blitz middle. S If Play is Strong left, then Safety will shade to Strong side, and tighten up zone. […]
Trip Blitz

LDL Grabbing outside linemen to prevent release LCB Pick up any inside receiver that is moving towards his direction. RDL rushing outside linemen to distract from Purple LB blitz LLB Fake blitz before snap, middle zone for releasing linemen, and WR inside route. S Man Zone. Wait for crosses to develop so he is not […]

S ManZone. Watch for crosses. LCB Look for lineman release, assist LB Iso, and watch the Underneath cross from right side of field. RCB ManZone. watch for crosses. RDL Grab Right Lineman and drive him back, do not let go. LLB Man Coverage on outside lineman, or any lineman that releases. Priority is to the […]