Stacked trips formation fake screen to the strong side of the field. Weak side guard runs a fly hoping to catch the coverage shading short to the strong side of the field. QB Watch how the defense lines up. Fake the screen and the first read is to the guard on the fly. Second read […]

7 on 7 flag football plays is a collection of free flag football plays designed by flag football coaches from around the world.
These plays were created using Playbook Wizard which is a free online football play designer that lets you quickly create complex animated football plays. Unlike other play designers where you're drawing lines and shapes in an art program and pretending that they're plays, with Playbook Wizard you're choosing players on the field, telling them what to do, and letting the software draw and animate the play for you.
Our Flag Football Plays help help you win more games!When you're done looking through the 7 on 7 flag football plays that other coaches have created head over to, get your free account, and start creating your own!
Interior Hook and Lateral

Stacked trips formation fake screen to the strong side of the field. Weak side guard runs a curl and pitches to the front receiver who comes across the field on a crossing route. G Catch the pass and pitch to the crossing wide receiver. After the pitch block his defender who should be trailing the […]
Stack Sideline Screen

Stacked trips formation screen to the back wide receiver. Front two receivers block to the inside creating a running lane along the sideline. WR Block the second defender from the sideline. Leave the innermost defender unblocked. WR Ideally the innermost defender will get caught up in the other blocks but, worst case, you’ll have to […]
Wing Draw Sweep

Cross formation draw sweep from the wing with the same side guard pulling to block. Wing Draw Sweep is an offensive 7 on 7 flag football play from the Wing Left formation and is authored by Football Coach. If you get a chance check out our 7 on 7 flag Football Plays Blog. Check out our Wristbands that […]
Zone Corner Blitz

Cornerback blitz with the other defenders rotating zone coverage to defend the field. Zone Corner Blitz is a defensive 7 on 7 flag football play from the 2-4-1 Base Defense formation and is authored by Fantasy Football. If you get a chance check out our 7 on 7 flag Football Plays Blog. Check out our Wristbands that hold […]
One Deep Middle Blitz

Two linebackers blitz with man coverage on the outside and the safety covering the middle of the field in a zone. S Watch for hot routes if the quarterback audibles after recognizing the blitz. Shade to the side of the linebacker with the pre-snap movement. CB Bump the wide receiver then cover man. One Deep […]
One Deep Zone

Straight zone with one deep safety and two linemen rushing. One Deep Zone is a defensive 7 on 7 flag football play from the 2-4-1 Base Defense formation and is authored by Fantasy Football. If you get a chance check out our 7 on 7 flag Football Plays Blog. Check out our Wristbands that hold your Flag Football […]