Lined up in the Base Spread formation Yellow does an out and up, Green runs a corner, and LBlue runs a dart. Red runs a bootleg behind the pulling linemen then throws the long corner route to Green. The checkdown read is to LBlue on the crossing route. I Spread HC0 Rollout Green Corner is […]

7 on 7 flag football plays is a collection of free flag football plays designed by flag football coaches from around the world.
These plays were created using Playbook Wizard which is a free online football play designer that lets you quickly create complex animated football plays. Unlike other play designers where you're drawing lines and shapes in an art program and pretending that they're plays, with Playbook Wizard you're choosing players on the field, telling them what to do, and letting the software draw and animate the play for you.
Our Flag Football Plays help help you win more games!When you're done looking through the 7 on 7 flag football plays that other coaches have created head over to, get your free account, and start creating your own!
Power Option Strong

The halfback motions to set up an option run with the quarterback while the weak side receiver motions to the strong side to block. Power Option Strong is an offensive 7 on 7 flag football play from Base Shotgun Spread which is a shotgun spread formation with three linemen, two wide receivers, and one running […]
Fullback Blast Option

Inside run to the fullback who has the option to run off-tackle or pitch the ball to the halfback paralleling his route to the outside if the defense collapses inside. Fullback Blast Option is an offensive 7 on 7 flag football play from Wishbone which is a wishbone formation with the quarterback under center and […]
Shotgun Slot Outs

The outside receivers in this slot formation run outs. The center and strong side guard run routes up the middle of the field and the slot receiver moves inside to block any rushers. Shotgun Slot Outs is an offensive 7 on 7 flag football play from Shotgun Slot which is a shotgun spread formation with […]
Shotgun Slot Release

The wide receivers and strong side linemen in this slot formation clear out the center of the field with long sideline routes. The slot receiver comes in motion to block then releases to the middle of the field for a quick pass. Shotgun Slot Release is an offensive 7 on 7 flag football play from […]